Empowered Birth, Love, and Life

Ep 47 Real Talk With Dr Stuart Fischbein

Emmy Robbin Season 1 Episode 47

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Dr Stu is a legend in the birth worker community. His journey from OB with a private practice working in hospitals to leading midwives in the art of vaginal breech birth at home, Dr Stu is inspiring many of us in the community that change for the better can be possible. His passion to educate on undisturbed birth and the benefits that come with it has truly opened the eyes of so many. Our 90 minute discussion covers so much from 
-How he left the hospital world
-What is evidence based education really?
-ECV is it worth it?
-Managing birth and the downfalls that come from that
-MEDwifery and how to tell if your provider really supports undisturbed physiological birth. 

You can follow Dr Stu and his incredible co host Blyss on their podcast Birthing Instincts https://www.birthinginstinctspodcast.com/

His Instagram https://www.instagram.com/birthinginstincts/

If you are interested in any of his seminars https://www.birthinginstincts.com/events

Read his peer reviewed papers


Faithful Beginnings by Emmy Robbin is a bestselling book that has touched the hearts of countless readers, offering hope, healing, and empowerment after birth trauma. Through personal stories and expert insights, this transformative read guides women toward redemption and strength in their birthing journeys. Purchase your copy today and empower yourself for your journey!


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